Sunday, August 29, 2010

Alternative fuel vehicle

Check out this article I found in Science Daily
-- Alternative Fuel Vehicle refers to a vehicle that runs on a fuel other than traditional gasoline or diesel; any method of powering an engine that does not involve petroleum. Due to a combination of heavy taxes on fuel, particularly in Europe, tightening environmental laws, particularly in California, and the possibility of further restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions, work on alternative power systems for vehicles has become a high priority for governments and vehicle manufacturers around ...

Weekly Writing Assignment

Each week learners will read an article on science which will be in the area of physics, technology, engineering, chemistry, space, or environment. No politics or editorial article will be accepted. The article must be current and relevant to our physical science course. The learners will write a paragraph, summarizing the article. Include citation of the article; which newspaper, page number, who wrote it. The paragraph can be thought of as a briefing for the President on the science contained in the article, first summarize the article. Identify the discussion points of the article and then draw connections to class class discussions, your community, state or nation. Ask relevant question pertaining to the science presented in the article. Refer to the page Science Article on the website for the grading criteria.

Friday, August 27, 2010

List of library resources

The following journals and newspapers are available online through NSU's library

Science News
New York Times. (Tuesday is Science Times)
Washington Post
Wall Street Journal
also look in the Daily Press

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Article on Science and Education

Found this article on science:
Rothkopf A. To innovate, educate. Issues in Science & Technology [serial online]. Summer2010 2010;26(4):11. Available from: Associates Programs Source, Ipswich, MA. Accessed August 26, 2010.