Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Unit 2 Study Guide

Unit 2:  Astronomy Study Guide

After completing Unit 2 you should be able to:
  • ·            Define meteor, meteoroid, and meteorite
  • ·            Define light year
  • ·            Distinguish far side, near side, and dark side of the moon
  • ·            Distinguish between the heliocentric model of the universe and the geocentric model of the universe.
  • ·            Summarize the dependencies of ancient society on astronomy
  • ·            Outline the history of astronomy
  • ·            Understand the difference between astrology and astronomy
  • ·            Identify the contribution of the Greek philosophers to the scientific method
  • ·            Identify and name the basic named coordinate features
  • ·            Identify and name the celestial equator and celestial poles
  • ·            Demonstrate understanding that the height of the sun in sky changes the effective energy     incident on the surface of a local region earth
  • ·            Correctly give the primary causes for the meteorological seasonal variation or correctly identify common but incorrect justifications
  • ·            Identify the three basic types of asteroids
  • ·            Identify the three types of meteorites
  • ·            Describe the general location of asteroids
  • ·            Identify the composition of the Sun
  • ·            Describe the Sun’s source of energy
  •        Argue the case for and again sending human to space instead of robots ( e.g. Mars)
  •        Argue for and again increasing Space Science funding

Celestial sphere
Right ascension
Vernal equinox
Autumnal equinox
Winter solstice
Summer solstice
Celestial equator
North celestial pole
South celestial pole
Geocentric model
Heliocentric model
Retrograde motion
Nuclear Fusion

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Writing Assignment Rubric


Spelling and Grammar
Paper contains numerous grammatical punctuation, and spelling errors

Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct

Writing Capturing Main Ideas
Main ideas are unclear
Main ideas unclear and/or not well developed.  Paragraphs are not related to information from “source”
Main ideas somewhat unclear and/or poorly developed.  Paragraphs are somewhat related to information from “source”
Main idea clear and develop.  Paragraph are related to information from “source”
Main idea very clear and well developed.  Paragraphs are clearly related to information from “source”

No reflection or question ask

Reflection (question) unrelated to article discussed or unclear. 

Reflection (question) relates to article and/ or class discussion.

No source cited.

Sources cited but not in MLA format.

Sources cited in correct MLA format. 

No conclusion
Conclusion vague and hard to understand based on supporting details
Conclusion not fully supported by evidence presented in paper
Good conclusion supported by evidence presented in paper
Sound conclusion based on the supporting evidence presented in the paper

On Time

Not submitted on time (-20)

Total Points

Friday, January 25, 2013

Writing Assignment

The writing assignment is for the face to face class (SCI 101-03) not the online class. 
For each science unit you will read a science article, in the area of physics, tehnology, engineering, chemistry, astronomy, aerospace science, or environmental science.  No politics or editorial article will be accepted.  The article must be current and relevant to physical science.  You will read and analysis the article and write a paragraph summarizing the article, including citation of the article.  The paragraph should 1) summarize the article and 2) draw connections to class dicussions or ask relevant questions pertaining to the science discussed in the article.  See blog post for due date.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Scientific Method Diagram

Scientific Method Diagram 

Unit 1 Study Guide

Unit 1:  Introduction to Physical Science Study Guide

After completing Unit 1 you should be able to:
  • ·            Recognize the major divisions of natural science
  • ·            Recognize the five major divisions of physical science
  • ·            Define hypothesis
  • ·            Define scientific theory
  • ·            Define scientific law
  • ·            Understand the role of the scientific method in the investigation of nature
  • ·            Know the standard unit of length, mass, and time in SI (International System of Units)
  • ·            Distinguish between the common metric prefixes
  • ·            Use conversion factors to convert between U.S system and metric system
  • ·            Use conversion factors to convert within the metric system
  • ·            Summarize the purpose of significant figures
  • ·            Demonstrate proper mathematical rounding
  • ·            Manipulate between standard and scientific notation
  • ·            Analyze the scientific method used in the case study
  • ·            Explain how the research studied in the case study can be improved
  • ·            Summarize the methodology used in the research study
  •                Identify what science is and is not
  • ·            Identify why science is important to society
  •       Explain the necessity for experimental controls
  • Terms:
    • fact
    • hypothesis
    • law
    • peseudoscience
    • science
    • scientific method
    • theory
    • conversion factor
    • significant figures

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Writing Assignment

The writing assignment is due January 26 by 11:59 pm.  See Blog post for a list of magazines available through the library.  

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome Spring 2013

A thousand mile journey begins with one step - Lao Tzu

Welcome to SCI 101.  I'm Dr. Hinton the instructor of the online and MWF face to face class.  If you have any questions throughout the semester or having problems, please let me know. Contact me either through the Facebook group, email whinton@nsu.edu or call the office at (757) 823-2275.  Leave a message if I'm not in.  
It is extremely difficult to catch up once you fall behind.  Be prepared to set aside time each week (~9 hrs) to work on your assignments and study.  
Let's begin our journey.