Saturday, January 19, 2013

Unit 1 Study Guide

Unit 1:  Introduction to Physical Science Study Guide

After completing Unit 1 you should be able to:
  • ·            Recognize the major divisions of natural science
  • ·            Recognize the five major divisions of physical science
  • ·            Define hypothesis
  • ·            Define scientific theory
  • ·            Define scientific law
  • ·            Understand the role of the scientific method in the investigation of nature
  • ·            Know the standard unit of length, mass, and time in SI (International System of Units)
  • ·            Distinguish between the common metric prefixes
  • ·            Use conversion factors to convert between U.S system and metric system
  • ·            Use conversion factors to convert within the metric system
  • ·            Summarize the purpose of significant figures
  • ·            Demonstrate proper mathematical rounding
  • ·            Manipulate between standard and scientific notation
  • ·            Analyze the scientific method used in the case study
  • ·            Explain how the research studied in the case study can be improved
  • ·            Summarize the methodology used in the research study
  •                Identify what science is and is not
  • ·            Identify why science is important to society
  •       Explain the necessity for experimental controls
  • Terms:
    • fact
    • hypothesis
    • law
    • peseudoscience
    • science
    • scientific method
    • theory
    • conversion factor
    • significant figures